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- # Lisp language definition file
- #
- # Author: AndrĪ Simon
- # Mail: andre.simon1@gmx.de
- # Date: 08.02.04
- # ------------------------------------------
- # This file is a part of highlight, a free source code converter released under the GPL.
- #
- # The file is used to describe keywords and special symbols of programming languages.
- # See README in the highlight directory for details.
- #
- # New definition files for future releases of highlight are always appreciated ;)
- #
- # ----------
- # andre.simon1@gmx.de
- # http:/www.andre-simon.de/
- $KW_LIST(kwa)=abs ads alert alloc and angle angtof angtos append apply arx arxload arxunload ascii assoc atan atof atoi atom atoms-family
- autoarxload autoload autoxload boole boundp caaar caacdr caadr caar cadddr caddr cadr car cdddr cddr cdr chr close command cond cons cos
- cvunit defun dictadd dictnext dictremove dictrename dictsearch distance distof entdel entget entlast entmake entmakex entmod entnext
- entsel entupd eq equal eval exit exp expand expt findfile fix float foreach gc gcd getangle getcfg getcname getcorner getdist getenv
- getfiled getint getkword getorient getpoint getreal getstring getvar graphscr grclear grdraw grread grtext grvecs handent help if
- initget inters itoa lambda last length list listp load log logand logior lsh mapcar max mem member menucmd menugroup min minusp
- namedobjdict nentsel nentselp not nth null numberp open or osnap polar prin1 princ print progn prompt quit quote read read-char read-
- line redraw regapp rem repeat reverse rtos set setcfg setfunhelp setq setvar setview sin snvalid sqrt ssadd ssdel ssget ssgetfirst
- sslength ssmemb ssname ssnamex sssetfirst startapp strcase strcase strcat strlen subst substr tablet tblnext tblobjname tblsearch terpri
- textbox textpage textscr trace trans type untrace ver vports wcmatch while write-char write-line xdroom xdsize xload xunload zerop
- $ML_COMMENT=;| |;
- #$IGNORECASE=false
- $SYMBOLS= ( ) [ ] { } , : & < > ! - + = / *